
Wednesday, 20 April 2011

My blog wouldn't be complete without this

I need to make one last (I hope) trip back in time. So, let's go back to the end of Australian Open. Nole won it, and nobody knew yet just how spectacular his season would turn out to be.

But in the meantime, HEAD Tennis posted this on their facebook page:

And so, taking a couple of minutes to think about it, I posted a comment - one of those 110. It said: "This will be your year - finish it with all the Slams in your hands!"

Well, since I'm taking the time to write about this, I think you can guess what happened next - a couple of weeks later, it turned out that mine was one of the wishes that was written on the towel! I spent the rest of that day squeeing and grinning histerically.

 Mine is right there in the upper right corner.

So there is a small part of me that's hoping that Nole actually has a chance to see my name from time to time :) Naah, who am I kidding, it probably lies folded neatly somewhere in Monaco or Belgrade. But I'm still completely overjoyed about all this. Even now, two months later, it makes me smile :D

All the pictures are taken from the HEAD tennis facebook page, and can be found here.

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