
Thursday, 21 November 2013

The 2014 Tennis Calendar

If you liked last year's tennis calendar, and couldn't wait for the 2014 version - wait no longer!

Have you ever felt the need to integrate the tennis calendar with your own? Well, now you can! The calendar you see below has all the ATP and WTA tournaments for 2014, including information about tournament category (250/500/M1000/GS for the men, International/Premier/P5/PM/GS for the women), surface, and dates (including Sunday starts or Saturday finals).

If you're using Google Calendar, you can add these calendars (ATP and WTA separately, for those who only want one of them) to your schedule with a couple of clicks (in fact, if you've already added the 2013 version to your Google Calendar, the 2014 events are already there!).
If you're using a different calendar, you can import the calendars separately in XML or iCal format for the ATP, and the same for WTA (XML, iCal). Or, you can just use the calendar in this post, if you wish!

Enjoy, and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see here.


  1. At least for ATP it would be nice if they where broken down in to separate 250, 500, 1000 and GS calendar feeds. I've only got time to keep up with the 1000 and GS tournaments and the rest is just clutter to me.

    However this is the best ATP calendar feed I could find so far.

  2. Excellent, thank you.

  3. Perfect! Thank You!

  4. Excellent, thank you. 2015 version?
