Saturday, 7 December 2013

The return of #AskRF

Following his first #AskRF hit, Roger Federer did another Q&A session on twitter today. Some of his answers surely didn't disappoint!

This one should be hashtagged #humble:

So is this one:

Is this fanboying, Roger?

Federer's Christmas tree is very pretty...

... and the twins helped decorate it!

Phone problems. Don't we all have them?

I'm sure everyone can agree with that


Guess we shouldn't wait for him now?

Ah, he's back!

And... he's jealous?

Perhaps it's Mirka tweeting

Also, Federer's favourite pizza is a "Fat Tony", he can't draw, he really liked Casino Royale and his favourite fruit are strawberry, apple and mango. The more you know!